Organising Anarchists amidst Authoritarian Consolidation in Indonesia: An interview with Perhimpunan Merdeka

Introduction Perhimpunan Merdeka (literally “freedom association”) is a specifically anarchist organisation being formed in Indonesia, the largest archipelagic country in the Global South. The Komite Pembentukan (Starting Committee) of Perhimpunan Merdeka has been organising for some years and is made of some of the most seasoned anarchist organisers in Indonesia. The anarchist movement in Indonesia […]
Call for International Solidarity: SBPS Strike at Korean-Owned Safelock Medical Factory in Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia

Progressive Prosperous Labor Union (SBPS) condemns the layoffs of Employment (PHK) or layoff, carried out by PT Safelock Medical in Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia, against 10 union members, in the midst of the advocacy process regarding the clarity of the ongoing employment relationship between the union and the company for the past 6 months. This […]
Jangan Naif! Demokrasi Liberal Tidak Bisa Direformasi! *

* selebaran yang disebar pada aksi Peringatan Darurat di Makassar, 22 Agustus 2024 Benar! Indonesia sedang darurat! Bukan karena bencana alam atau perang, tapi situasi yang mungkin saja membawa Indonesia menjadi Bangladesh selanjutnya !!! Kita semua paham, aturan apapun bisa mereka buat dan anulir seenaknya. Tidak usah menggerutu dan mengeluh. Para elit bisa melakukannya karena sistemnya yang mendukung […]